Philippine Peso
US Dollar
AU Dollars
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen imported white roses and white carnation..
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen imported red roses...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen imported yellow roses with fillers...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen Imported Yellow Roses and 1 Dozen Local Peach Roses with fillers...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen imported yellow roses with alstroemeria. ..
A bouquet of 1 dozen imported lavender roses with 24 pcs. of Ferrero chocolates...
The Bouquet consists of: A round bouquet of 1 dozen mixed attractive gerberas with alstroemeria...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen Pink and White Ecuadorian roses...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen Pink Ecuadorian roses...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen red imported roses and pink carnation..
An arm bouquet of 1 Dozen Sunflowers and 16 Yellow Lilies..
This beautiful flower bouquet is composed of 10 pieces imported light pink roses with fuchsia gypsop..
An elegant bouquet of 10 Stems Two Toned Pink Imported Roses with Gypsophila..
An elegant bouquet of 18 imported yellow roses with fillers...
A stunningly beautiful round bouquet of 2 dozen pink roses and 2 dozen white roses. A perf..
A beautifully designed bouquet of 2 dozen red roses and 2 dozen white roses in a vase. A great gift ..
This beautifully arranged round flower box is composed of 2 dozen red roses with cinamomo leaves...
A bouquet of 20 pieces of white carnations and 20 pieces pink carnations arranged in a round bouquet..
An elegant bouquet of 3 Stems Blue Ecuadorian Roses With Gypsophila And Eucalyptus..
An elegant bouquet of 3 Stems Pink Ecuadorian Roses..