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An elegant bouquet of Pink Snapdragon, Pink Imported Roses, Gerbera, Lisianthus..
This flower bouquet is composed of 3 sunflowers with white lisianthus with eucalyptus...
This round flower bouquet is composed of yellow lilies lysianthus million star...
This flower arrangement in a pretty round box is composed of sky blue gypsophila...
This flower bouquet is composed of carnations, roses, lysianthus and eucalyptus...
This flower box is composed of purple gypsophila in a pink box...
This beautifully arranged round flower box is composed of 1 dozen light pink roses with pink g..
This beautifully arranged square flower box is composed of 4 pieces sunflower with pink gypsop..
Vase of 3 red gerberas, 4 pink roses, 6 red carnations, and 2 cymbidiums..
Vase of 2 stargazers, red roses, pink lisianthus, gerbera, carnations..
This beautifully arranged square flower box is composed of two tone lysianthus, 3 pieces pink gerber..
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen red and white imported roses...
A round bouquet of 2 dozen mixed red and white roses with fillers..
A round bouquet of 1 dozen mixed pink and white roses..
A round bouquet of 1 dozen pink roses with tube rose and alstroemerias...
A round bouquet of 1 dozen red roses with 24 pcs. of ferrero chocolates.Note: Accessories and vase a..
A round bouquet of 1 dozen red roses...
A bouquet of 1 dozen red roses with 14 inches bear and alfredo almond milk chocolate ..
A bouquet of 1 dozen red roses with 14 inches bear and 24 pcs. Ferrero Chocolates. *O..
A bouquet of 1 dozen pink roses and 1 dozen white roses...