Philippine Peso
US Dollar
AU Dollars
A round bouquet of 1 dozen elegant red roses and 1 dozen red carnations..
A round bouquet of 1 dozen red roses with 24 pcs. of ferrero chocolates.Note: Accessories and vase a..
A round bouquet of 1 dozen red roses with 4 stargazers..
A bouquet of 1 dozen red roses with 14 inches bear. *Other accessories on the photo are not inclu..
A bouquet of 1 dozen red roses with 14 inches bear and alfredo almond milk chocolate ..
The Bouquet is consist of: 1 Dozen Stargazer Lilies in a bouquet...
An arm bouquet of 1 Dozen Sunflowers and 16 Yellow Lilies..
An arm bouquet of 1 dozen white carnations...
The Bouquet is consist of: 1 dozen white gerberas in a bouquet..
A round bouquet of 1 dozen white lilies..
An arm bouquet of 1 dozen of pure white roses...
A round bouquet of 1 dozen yellow lilies...
This beautiful flower bouquet is composed of 10 pieces imported light pink roses with fuchsia gypsop..
An elegant bouquet of 10 Stems Two Toned Pink Imported Roses with Gypsophila..
A round bouquet consists of 14pcs. assorted tulips..
The product consist of 14 inches chubby ( seated ) teddy bear available with ribbon. This teddy bear..
The product consist of 14 inches teddy bear available with pink or red ribbon...
A round bouquet of 2 dozen ecuadorian lavender roses..
A round bouquet of 2 dozen very beautiful fuchsia pink tulips..
A bouquet of 1 dozen pink roses and 1 dozen white roses...