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A round bouquet of 2 dozen very beautiful fuchsia pink tulips..
A bouquet of 1 dozen pink roses and 1 dozen white roses...
A round bouquet of 2 dozen mixed red and white roses with fillers..
A round bouquet of 2 dozen very beautiful orange tulips..
A round bouquet of 2 dozen of pure peach roses..
A round bouquet of 2 dozen of mixed pink and peach carnations..
A round bouquet of 2 dozen of pure red roses..
This beautifully arranged round flower box is composed of 2 dozen red roses with cinamomo leaves...
A round bouquet of 2 dozen of pure white roses..
This urn arrangement is composed of 2 dozen white roses and 2 dozen red roses with filled aster and ..
This flower bouquet is composed of 2 dozen pomelo rose with berries...