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An arm bouquet of 1 Dozen blue roses spray...
An arm bouquet of 1 dozen mixed pink, white, and red roses...
A arm bouquet of 1 dozen red carnations...
An arm bouquet of 1 dozen red roses..
An arm bouquet of 1 Dozen Sunflowers and 16 Yellow Lilies..
An arm bouquet of 1 dozen white carnations...
An arm bouquet of 1 dozen of pure white roses...
An elegant bouquet of 3 sunflowers with lilies. Like sunshine, this bouquet will brighten up the day..
An arm bouquet of 6 pieces Sunflower with 8 pieces of Lilies..
This flower bouquet is composed of semi arm bouquet 2 imported roses, 4 pink gerberas, 4 carnations,..
This flower bouquet is composed of mix bouquet semi arm imported roses, carnations, lysianthus, gerb..
An arm bouquet consists of 16pcs. long stemmed pink roses..
An arm bouquet of 1 dozen pink roses..