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Beautiful White Roses in a Bouquet


This flower bouquet is composed of 20 stems local white roses with white asters...

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Captivating Carnation


A bouquet of 1 dozen pink carnation and 1 dozen white aster...

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Elegant Red and White Roses Urn Flower Arrangement


This urn arrangement is composed of 2 dozen white roses and 2 dozen red roses with filled aster and ..

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Funeral Flower Standee 4


A funeral flower arrangement consisting of palm leaves, yellow stock, green spider mums, matsum..

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Sincerity Mixed Urn Flower Arrangement


This urn arrangement is composed of 10pcs red gerbera with mixed of 10pcs pink carnation and 1 dozen..

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Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)