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The Bouquet is consist of:1 dozen pink carnation, 1 dozen red roses and 1 dozen stargazer..
An elegant bouquet of 6 Stems Red Roses with Gypsophila..
A box of 2 dozen red local roses wrapped with burlap sack..
This add-on/gift bundle is composed of bobo with balloons in a box of 20 stems roses; 14 inche..
This flower bouquet is composed of mix green lysianthus, purple and red carnations, moody blue roses..
This urn arrangement is composed of 2 dozen white roses and 2 dozen red roses with filled aster and ..
This flower bouquet is composed of 18 stems of red roses with misty white in Korean wrapper...
A round bouquet of 1 dozen elegant red roses and 1 dozen red carnations with Mug for Mom...