Philippine Peso
US Dollar
AU Dollars
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen imported white roses and white carnation..
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen imported yellow roses with fillers...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen Imported Yellow Roses and 1 Dozen Local Peach Roses with fillers...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen imported yellow roses with alstroemeria. ..
A bouquet consists of Mixed Pink and White Roses arranged in an arm bouquet...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen Pink and White Ecuadorian roses...
The Bouquet is consist of:1 dozen pink carnation, 1 dozen red roses and 1 dozen stargazer..
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen Pink Ecuadorian roses...
An elegant bouquet of 1 dozen red imported roses and pink carnation..
A round bouquet of 1 dozen red roses...
An arm bouquet of 1 Dozen Sunflowers and 16 Yellow Lilies..
An elegant bouquet of 10 Stems Two Toned Pink Imported Roses with Gypsophila..
An elegant bouquet of 18 imported yellow roses with fillers...
A stunningly beautiful round bouquet of 2 dozen pink roses and 2 dozen white roses. A perf..
A bouquet of 20 pieces of white carnations and 20 pieces pink carnations arranged in a round bouquet..
An elegant bouquet of 3 Stems Blue Ecuadorian Roses With Gypsophila And Eucalyptus..
An elegant bouquet of 3 Stems Pink Ecuadorian Roses..
An elegant bouquet of 3 sunflowers with lilies. Like sunshine, this bouquet will brighten up the day..
Bouquet of 6 orange imported roses, Lilium, lisianthus, bells of Ireland, yellow button solidago..
An elegant bouquet of 6 Stems Red Roses with Gypsophila..